Hortatory Exposition Text

NAMA              :       KHUSNUL KHOTIMAH
KELAS             :       XI IPA 2
NO. ABSEN      :       24

 The Importance Of Reading

I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. Why do I say so?
Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the world such as Science, technology, sports, arts, culture, etc written in either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.
Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something happening in any parts of the world which can we see directly.
Another reason, reading can give us pleasure too. When we are tired, we read books, novel, comic, newspaper or magazine on the entertainment column such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc. To make us relaxed.
The last, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. By reading a book about Irian Jaya we may feel we’re really sitting in the jungles not at home in our rooms.
From the facts above, it’s obvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge, information and also entertainment.

Pentingnya Membaca

Saya pribadi berpikir bahwa membaca adalah kegiatan yang sangat penting dalam hidup kita. Mengapa saya mengatakan demikian?
Pertama, dengan membaca kita bisa mendapatkan banyak pengetahuan tentang banyak hal di dunia seperti Ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, olahraga, seni, budaya, dll ditulis dalam buku-buku baik, majalah, koran, dll
Kedua, dengan membaca kita bisa mendapatkan banyak berita dan informasi tentang sesuatu yang terjadi dalam setiap bagian dari dunia yang bisa kita lihat secara langsung.
Alasan lain, membaca dapat memberikan kita kesenangan juga. Ketika kita lelah, kita membaca buku-buku novel, komik, koran atau majalah pada kolom hiburan seperti komedi, cerita pendek, kuis, dll Untuk membuat kita santai.
Terakhir, membaca juga bisa membawa kita ke bagian lain dari dunia. Dengan membaca buku tentang Irian Jaya kita mungkin merasa kita benar-benar duduk di hutan tidak di rumah di kamar kami.
Dari fakta di atas, sudah jelas bahwa setiap orang perlu membaca untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan, informasi dan juga hiburan.

Generic Struktur Teks
Tesis   :           Saya pribadi berpikir bahwa membaca adalah kegiatan yang sangat penting dalam hidup kita . Mengapa saya mengatakan demikian?
Argumen Pertama    :           dengan membaca kita bisa mendapatkan banyak pengetahuan tentang banyak hal di dunia seperti Ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi . Olahraga , seni, budaya , dll ditulis dalam buku-buku baik , majalah , koran , dll
Argumen Kedua                    :           dengan membaca kita bisa mendapatkan banyak berita dan informasi tentang sesuatu yang terjadi dalam setiap bagian dari dunia yang bisa kita lihat secara langsung .
Argumen Alasan lain            :           membaca dapat memberikan kita kesenangan juga. Ketika kita lelah , kita membaca buku , koran atau majalah pada kolom hiburan seperti komedi , cerita pendek , kuis , dll Untuk membuat kita santai .
Argumen Terakhir    :           membaca juga bisa membawa kita ke bagian lain dari dunia . Dengan membaca buku tentang Irian Jaya kita mungkin merasa kita benar-benar duduk di hutan tidak di rumah di kamar kami .
Rekomendasi Dari fakta di atas      :           sudah jelas bahwa setiap orang perlu membaca untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan, informasi dan juga hiburan . Atau dalam ringkasan kita dapat mengatakan membaca benar-benar penting dalam hidup kita .

Question :
1.      What kind of genre does the text above belong to ?
Ø  hortatory exposition
2.      What is the purpose of the text ?
Ø  the Porpose of the text is to persuade the reader about important of reading
3.      What is the generic structure of the text above ?
Ø  Thesis – arguments – recommendation
4.      What is the writer argument?
Ø  by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the world Smokers typically use public places to smoke, such as bus stops, ports, schools, etc.
Ø  by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something happening in any parts of the world which can we see directly.
Ø  reading can give us pleasure
5.      What is the main idea of the text above ?
Ø  Main idea is :
Paragraph 1 : I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. 
Paragraph 2 : by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the world.
Paragraph 3 : by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something happening in any parts of the world which can we see directly.
Paragraph 4 : reading can give us pleasure
Paragraph 5 : reading can also take us to other parts of the world. 
Paragraph 6 : it’s obvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge, information and also entertainment.
6.      What is the writer opinion ?
Ø  The writer’s opinion is that reading is very importance activity in our life
7.      What is The Writer’s Recommendations about?
Ø  everyone needs to read to get knowledge, information and also entertainment
Ø  Or in summary we can say reading is truly important in our life.
8.      Suporting sentences in the text :
Ø  Paragraph 1: Why do I say so?
Ø  Paragraph 2: -
Ø  Paragraph 3: -
Ø  Paragraph 4: When we are tired, we read books, newspaper or magazine on the entertainment coloumn such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc.
Ø  Paragraph 5: By reading a book about Irian Jaya we may feel we’re  really sitting in the jungles not at home in our rooms.
Ø  Paragraph 6: Or in summary we can say reading is truly important in our life.
9.      What is the Language Feature ?
Ø  very important, We can, May, Firstly, it’s obvious.
10.  What is the writer thesis ?
Ø  I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. Why do I say so?


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